Über Uns - Blog

Meet Mike Brewer

Michael Brewer Filmmaker, Coach Michael Brewer is a creative filmmaker who also doubles as our flight coach. Since joining Luxfly, he has been at the helm of our social network footages, his enthusiasm to create is just never ending. Basically, he is our Steven Spielberg!   If he is not skydiving or working in the tunnel, you will definitely find Michael doing any of his hobbies which include rock climbing, endurance sports, or riding his motorcycle. Professionally, Michael boasts impressive skydiving jumps and tunnel time. Having flown about 20 tunnels, it is no surprise that he has accumulated a total of 3,500 skydiving jumps and more than 3,000 hours coaching in the tunnels.   When asked why he chose to become a pro-flyer, Michael replied “to make body flight intuitive, so that I could enjoy it as much as possible.” And that’s exactly all Michael does – teach people about flying safe and ensure they actually enjoy the process as much as he enjoys it. As a people person, Michael sure excels in this area.   Fun Facts! ◆ What is your proudest accomplishment? Creating a life where I am free to push myself physically and creatively with the people I love. ◆ What is one thing you will never do again? Eat squash! ◆ What did you want to be when you were a child? To be big! I wanted to grow up so fast. Voila, I finally did! ◆ What are your best tunnel moves? Any combination of flips and spins is fun. ◆ Any favorite sports to watch and play? Of course. I really love watching professional surfing as well as slopestyle snowboarding at the moment. ◆ Are you distantly or closely related to anyone famous? Yes. Emily Dickenson. ◆ If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I will like to live in a different country every two months. Freedom! ◆ How do you spend your time during the lockdown? I spend most of my time on Base, surfing, and paragliding. ◆ What three items will you take with you on a deserted island? A good playlist, a massive speaker, and my friends. That’s all I need. ◆ Who is your hero? My older brother. ◆ What would you sing at Karaoke night? I sing all the time. In fact, my whole life is Karaoke night.