Pro Flyers - Infrastructure

LUXFLY Infrastructure for Skydivers and Proflyers


Wind tunnel

LUXFLY Indoor Skydive offers state-of-the-art infrastructure specifically designed for skydivers, whether beginners or experts. Our center is equipped with a next-generation vertical wind tunnel, providing a realistic and perfectly controlled freefall simulation.

High-Performance Wind Tunnel

Our wind tunnel is one of the most powerful on the market, capable of generating wind speeds of up to 300 km/h. This power allows for a precise replication of freefall conditions, offering skydivers the ideal environment to practice and perfect their techniques. The airflow is smooth and constant, ensuring optimal stability for all maneuvers.

tunnel tech luxfly

Wind tunnel tech LUXFLY

Brand: TunnelTech

Size: 15ft

windtunnel luxfly

Preparation and Briefing Areas

LUXFLY is equipped with modern briefing rooms, featuring high-quality audiovisual equipment for preparation and debriefing sessions. These spaces allow instructors to provide detailed advice, and skydivers can review their performances through video analysis.

Relaxation and Community Areas

After a flight session, skydivers can relax in our comfortable common areas, designed to encourage interaction and the sharing of experiences. We also offer catering services to recharge between flights.

Changing Rooms and Equipment

Our spacious and well-equipped changing rooms provide skydivers with optimal comfort for preparation. We also supply high-quality flight gear, including appropriate jumpsuits, helmets, and goggles, ensuring maximum safety.

Personalized Coaching

For those looking to progress quickly, LUXFLY offers personalized coaching sessions. Our certified instructors are among the best in the field, offering tailored support to achieve specific goals, whether preparing for an outdoor jump or improving particular technical skills.

Accessibility and Flexibility

Located near major cities and easily accessible, LUXFLY Indoor Skydive is open year-round, offering maximum flexibility for planning your flight sessions. Whether you’re preparing for a parachute jump or simply seeking thrills, our infrastructure is designed to meet your needs.

proflyer coaching

LUXFLY Indoor Skydive is not just a freefall center, it’s a space dedicated to excellence and the skydiving and proflyer community, where every detail is thought out to provide the best possible experience.